Sheltering from the 1918 Spanish Flu at their seaside estate, a Progressive journalist and his socialite wife take in a mysterious grifter as a private cook. But when the plague descends on the posh island, the family and staff find themselves cut off from society and, like castaways, struggling to survive. The new cook sees an opportunity to rouse his fellow staff to re-think...
3.0 一家巧多事
3.0 叛廚風暴
2023 喜劇簡介:Sheltering from the 1918 Spanish Flu at their seaside estate, a Progressive journalist and his socialite wife take in a mysterious grifter as a private cook. But when the plague descends on the posh island, the family and staff find themselves cut off from society and, like castaways, struggling to survive. The new cook sees an opportunity to rouse his fellow staff to re-think... -
3.0 臨界點
8.0 奇怪的記憶
2025 喜劇簡介:跨越三生的愛戀糾葛,挑戰(zhàn)天命束縛,回溯三百年過往,隱士高人尤文化(由任子豪精彩演繹)與妖界紅顏妖姬(吳荻傾情詮釋)因一場天劫意外交織情緣,卻遭宇宙法則無情拆散,被迫將深情埋藏心底。歲月悠悠,轉(zhuǎn)瞬已是21世紀新紀元,妖姬不幸落入天尊掌心,被賦予“魅力四射的御姐”、“溫婉居家的淑女”、“酷颯中性之美”三重面貌,以無懈可擊的吸引力接近尤文化,目標直指他體內(nèi)的純元之力。在這場愛恨交織的漩渦中,尤文化不僅要面對昔日摯愛如今卻身負刺殺使命的殘酷現(xiàn)實,還要拼湊起那些逐漸浮出水面的記憶片段,同時,隱修界的安危正懸于一線,而他個人的命運也迎來了百年難遇的雷霆試煉。在情感的洪流與修行的正道間徘徊,在生存的希望與死亡的陰影中掙扎,尤文化被推到了選擇的十字路口。當天尊的險惡計劃恰逢天劫轟然而至,他能否憑借凡人之軀,挑戰(zhàn)不可違抗的天命,不僅為自己爭取一線生機,更為了守護這片大地上的生靈與心中那份至死不渝的愛?這是一場關(guān)于勇氣、犧牲與愛的終極較量,尤文化的每一步都將決定著他與所愛之人的命運,以及整個世界的未來。 -
10.0 鬼魅有道理
5.0 選個家來愛
2024 喜劇簡介:Chosen Family sees Ann, a yoga teacher trying to find inner peace despite the fact her family is manic, and whose dating life is miserable. Ann doesn’t know how to say no and finds herself fixing everyone’s problems. Struggling to repair her estranged relationship with her sister Clio, Ann relies on her friends Roz, Max and Frances to be her rock and guide her through life’s tr...